
Foster family’s gift helps reunite mother with her children

March 17, 2015

Neal van stockOne of our Amarillo foster families helped reunite a family of eight when they gave an incredible gift to the birth mother of their foster children!

The Neal family has been fostering three children who are part of a sibling group of seven for the past year, and have been supportive and encouraging toward the children’s birth mother. At a recent permanency conference, a CPS caseworker expressed concern about the mother being unable to afford a vehicle that could transport the children safely, which would postpone their reunification dates.

“The conference ended without a conclusion,” said Kelsi Vines, the Neal’s AFS. “Everyone wondered how a single mother could find a suitable vehicle in such a short amount of time with no support.”

When the Neals heard about the possibility of the reunification dates being further delayed, they decided to gift the children’s birth mother with their newest minivan! Now, reunification is moving forward as planned.

“Foster families who choose to walk alongside biological parents, when possible, play a huge role in encouraging and providing support during undoubtedly the lowest point in that parent’s life,” Kelsi said. “The Neals have been a great example of the love of Christ during this foster journey– they give and give and give, even without any security of seeing their little ones again once reunified. Surely, this is the unconditional love Christ so often spoke of– no strings attached, no debt incurred, freely given to those in need.”