
Arrow Stability Standards Mean Bright Futures for Foster Kids

August 14, 2014

To ensure children are receiving the best possible care, Arrow continuously monitors all aspect of its foster care program.  One of the main indicators Arrow team members monitor is stability—how often children move foster homes while in care.

Stability is important for the health and well-being of all children, but for foster children it is critical.  Moving a child from foster home to foster home means the child experiences the stress of getting to know a new family, possibly moving to a new community with a new school, and starting all over making friends.   All these rapid changes compound the trauma they’ve experienced through abuse and neglect, which could also have a significant impact on the child’s self-esteem.

The stability of children in Arrow’s care far exceeds national measures, which points to better outcomes and a brighter future for Arrow’s kids. In the past year, more than 99% (vs 83% nationally) of foster kids in Arrow’s care for less than a year had two or fewer placements. For kids who were in Arrow foster care for one to two years, more than 98% (vs 60% nationally) had fewer than two placements. And for kids spending more than two years in Arrow’s care, almost 90% (vs 34% nationally) had two or fewer placements.

“Grief and loss comes with every move,” said Andrea Pellerin Requenes, an Arrow foster care program director. “The more frequently they’re moved, the more trauma they experience, so to give kids the best chance to heal, we really want to stabilize them.”

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